Five Ways to Stay Active on Vacation with adidas.

Five Ways to Stay Active on Vacation with adidas.

Tip 1: Pack accordingly.
It all starts with the suitcase- make a fitness commitment before you even hit the airport by packing a few key pieces that can be incorporated into a workout. The athleisure trend makes this so easy; wea€?re all already wearing sneakers with everything, so including a pair in the vacation rotation is a no-brainer. In addition to sneakers, I like to pack a sports bra, a few pairs of leggings, and a lightweight tank () that work with both aforementioned leggings and a pair of cutoff shorts. Being able to remix athleisure pieces is so suitcase-savvy.

Note: dona€?t overpack workout clothes! Theya€?re typically super lightweight to make them breathable, which also means they dry quickly after washing. Wash dirty pieces in the hotel bathroom sink with a little detergent (or shampoo if youa€?re in a pinch), wring out, then hang to dry on your balcony. That tropical breeze will dry a€?em out in no time!

Tip 2: Get out there and? explore.
You’ve just arrived at your vacation spot; be it the mountains or the beach, there is some exploring to be done. Grab those sneakers and get out in your vacay environment as soon as you get settled. I am digging the? ? right now because they are just as functional for walking, light hiking, and running as they are fashionable. If super classic + casual is more your speed, the are a must-have.

Walk the grounds of your resort, make that beach stroll extra-long, or wander through your vacay spot’s downtown to get a lay of the land. I love how this accomplishes two things: I get to take in my vacation surroundings right away (which means I quickly log all the best swim-up bars and restaurant spots)? and? get a little activity in- the best of both worlds!

Tip 3: Plan a few active vacay activities.
Vacation should be all about recharging those batteries, but that doesna€?t mean taking a full fitness hiatus. Ita€?s easy to balance those lazy days sipping margaritas poolside with fun activities that get your body moving. Herea€?s how I roll:

Take a hike: my boyfriend and I spent an afternoon hiking through the Sperry Trail of Glacier National Park on our recent trip to Montana. We got a serious dose of fresh air and explored so many nooks and crannies of the trail we’d never have been able to see if we had just stayed in our car and observed from the road. (And I got in a killer 4-mile workout!)
Water fun: see if your resort offers water skiing, surfing lessons, paddle boarding, or some type of water-based activity; youa€?ll burn some major calories while making killer? vacation memories! I love packing a sporty swimsuit? like this because it works for water sports? and? doubles as a cute bodysuit with shorts or a skirt (such a great outfitting trick that saves you suitcase space).
Walking tours: if you can join up with a walking tour to see the sights of your location (be it a jungle excursion or a historic city tour), do it! This keeps you from sequestering yourself too much inside the comforts of your hotel (see the sights, people!) while also logging some steps.

Tip 4: Choose manual over automatic.
When you can, opt to get from place to place by foot or on a bike.For a day spent exploring downtown Whitefish, my boyfriend and I biked from our hotel to the main street + shopping district. We pedaled from shop to shop, and then biked to a few nearby distilleries for some beer tasting. Light cardio in the Montana sunshine! I love because it holds the girls in place (ha, very key!) and looks great with a low-slung pair of cutoff denim shorts (aka my summer/vacation go-to). It wicks moisture to keep me dry? and? looks super cute.

Recruit your friends, significant other, or whoever you’re vacationing with to come along- you can chat on the way, which hardly makes it feel like a workout.

Tip 5: Practice holiday yin and yang.
No one wants to go on vacation and not indulge a little. (Or a lot, even.) But when I eat and drink more than normal (wea€?re all familiar with that Thanksgiving Belly feeling, right?), I make it a priority to get some activity the next day. Super indulgent dinner = taking a walk on the beach after. A whole pitcher of pina coladas at happy hour = swimming a few laps in the pool before parking my bum in a lounge chair. Nothing excessive- in no way am I advocating for a Calorie In, Calorie Out strategy (especially on holiday!); just a little activity to balance out the indulgence so I dona€?t find myself 5 pounds up after vacation.

Little bouts of easy activity is the method that works for me- I don’t like the idea of a structured workout in the hotel gym, so weaving activity into the actual vacation is my jam. (Although there is absolutely nothing wrong with the hotel gym- if the mood strikes you, hit that rowing machine! Or pound those weights!) Immersing myself in the environment and culture of my vacation spot while adding activity has really worked for me, and also helps with feeling more motivated (and less bloated, if I’m honest- carbs and vacation go together like peanut butter and jelly!) once I’m back home.

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