Halo with AesthetiCare.

Halo with AesthetiCare.

Halo at AesthetiCare delivers skin rejuvenation with minimal downtime.

We’ve already covered how Forever Young BBL is the treatment to address hyperpigmentation (read all about my amazing experience here), but what’s a girl to do when she wants to address texture issues like fine lines, wrinkles, and enlarged pores? You report immediately to AesthetiCare and get a Halo laser treatment. (And you do it in November when they are running an amazing deal: buy Halo for your face, get your neck treated for free!)

What is the Halo Laser?

The Halo laser is the only hybrid fractional laser on the planet. This means it’s actually two laser wavelengths in one to double those benefits: a laser addressing issues at the skin’s surface and a laser penetrating deep into the skin. Before Halo, you would need two separate treatments to achieve the kind of results Halo delivers. The bonus with Halo: you can get a 2-for-1 deal in both time spent under the laser and time spent recovering.

The staff at AesthetiCare know Halo inside and out (no, really– they actually train other medspas on how to use it!) and are able to customize the treatment for each patient based on what his/her skin needs. For me, my pores are small (dry skin club!) but I was seeing a few fines lines I wanted to soften. I went back to Amy, who I worked with during my rounds of Forever Young BBL, and we talked through the treatment. While 3-5 rounds of BBL are needed to achieve optimal results, you only need a single Halo treatment to see huge skin gains.

Benefits of Halo Laser

  • Removal of fine lines and wrinkles. The Halo laser is really good at zapping these lines, which turns back the clock on your face.
  • Minimal downtime. I’ll share my exact experience below, but basically, you’re getting major skin rejuvenation without having to hide away for weeks while you recover.
  • Youthful, glowing skin. All the collagen! All the glow! All the youth! By eliminating skin damage and boosting collagen, your skin gets a major boost.

What to Expect During + After Your Treatment

Just like in my Forever Young BBL post, I wanted to share my step-by-step experience so you guys know exactly what to expect.

Halo day: Amy applied a numbing cream all over my face and neck and let me sit for an hour. This felt so strange, but it made the actual Halo treatment a breeze. I didn’t feel much during; my skin did get hot as Amy passed the laser over each area, but that was mitigated by cold air blown on my skin by the laser itself and by a hose pumping cold air that I held during the treatment. Honestly, Halo was more comfortable during than Forever Young BBL. Thank you, numbing cream!

Just hanging out with some numbing cream on my face + neck.

However, my face and neck were very hot immediately after the treatment. I experienced a pretty intense stinging sensation for about an hour after. My skin was bright red, too, as if I had a bad sunburn. Thankfully, the AC staff gives you an after-care kit packed with goodies for your skin, including a cooling thermal water spray that you apply whenever your face feels hot. Which, for me, was about every 5 minutes for about an hour and a half post-treatment.

What does Halo laser cost?

One round of Halo for the face costs $1200 at levels 1 and 2, and $1500 at level 3 (your level will be determined by the awesome staff at AC, but in general if you’re under 40 you’ll be a level 2 and over 40 a level 3). Treating the neck (which is so smart to do, since your neck ages just like your face and has fewer oil glands to keep it youthful) runs $509– but is free this month at AesthetiCare with purchase of a Halo treatment for the face.

A note about Halo: while a more expensive treatment, you only need one treatment a year, max. If you’re under 40, you may only need one treatment every few years. To compare, Forever Young BBL is only $400 a treatment, but you often need 3-5 treatments initially and then 1-2 treatments a year to maintain + build on those results.

Another item of note: fall is the perfect time to get Halo because you really need to limit your UV exposure after the treatment while your skin heals. Unprotected UV exposure is going to undo the progress the laser made (which means you just spent all that money for nada!). AesthetiCare’s November Halo special is such an amazing deal– get your face and your neck treated before the holidays, and then by spring you’re fully healed and can resume normal sun exposure (with SPF protection, of course).

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